Welcome to my dating blog called 55 and Single!

You guessed it! I'm 55 years old, and I am single (not by my own doing - my much younger husband deserted me and fled to his Bosnian homeland, without so much as a second thought). His advice to me was simply: move on and live your life. So that is what I intend to do, and I am going to chronicle my adventures using various dating websites, blind dates, or whomever I happen to meet that is interested in dating.

I am new to the dating scene (had two marriages: 1st one lasted 28 years; 2nd one lasted 5 years). It's a scary world out here, women, and the rules and expectations have changed dramatically since I was last single. Being a "cougar" also adds to the mix, so I hope you will check back on my progress. Feel free to share your thoughts as I journey alone in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Happy reading!

55 and SINGLE!

55 and SINGLE!
Would you date me?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Date #1 with Italian Stallion (48 years old) - April 19/10

So I met Mr. Stallion at the corner Starbucks, walking distance from my place. We had tazo mint green tea which was supposed to be decaf (which wasn't because I was up all night trying to get to sleep). Anyhow, he showed up, looking a little bit like Ricardo Montalban, around 5'6", very easy to talk to, very smitten with me. We talked about travel and fishing; he said he wanted someone to share his life with, someone like me. We made plans for a dinner date at Red Lobster, and when it was time to say goodbye, he tried to kiss me, fully on the lips. I pulled away and said that I didn't kiss on the first date (unless I find you totally irrestible, which I didn't), but he persisted, until I was literally ducking and trying to move away. After several attempts, he yielded to just kissing my hand. Phew!

Date Notes: Was he the one? No. Could I imagine myself in a relationship with him? No. Could I see myself kissing him and/or making out with him? No. 3 Strikes