Welcome to my dating blog called 55 and Single!

You guessed it! I'm 55 years old, and I am single (not by my own doing - my much younger husband deserted me and fled to his Bosnian homeland, without so much as a second thought). His advice to me was simply: move on and live your life. So that is what I intend to do, and I am going to chronicle my adventures using various dating websites, blind dates, or whomever I happen to meet that is interested in dating.

I am new to the dating scene (had two marriages: 1st one lasted 28 years; 2nd one lasted 5 years). It's a scary world out here, women, and the rules and expectations have changed dramatically since I was last single. Being a "cougar" also adds to the mix, so I hope you will check back on my progress. Feel free to share your thoughts as I journey alone in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Happy reading!

55 and SINGLE!

55 and SINGLE!
Would you date me?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I've been hit by the love bug

Well, Mr. Sports Car called me Sun. and Tues. and took me out for drinks and appies on Thursday. I really enjoyed myself. We had no trouble talking for 5 hours. He's truly a man's man, which is apparently quite the turn-on for me. We got caught in the rain, and I ended up kissing him goodnight...twice (he just kept staring at me, but not doing anything). I didn't know what else to do. Then it hit me - I should have asked him up for a nightcap. Well, I didn't know - I'm new to this. At any rate, he was busy all weekend volunteering, but I hope to hear from him this week. Meanwhile, I got a call from Bachelor #4 from that dating program I went to. I will call him later in the week. Oh yeah, I kind of ended it with Mr. Cowboy - we both realized that he was too country and I was too city, which worked out okay (I didn't know how to break it off with him). He did have the cutest crinkly eyes though. I'm looking forward to the week ahead and how it will unfold.

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